An exciting year ahead!The Labyrinth of the Ways has recently passed Her 3rd year since manifestation and we are excited for the year She has ahead! On March 21st the folks of Between the Worlds, Green Faerie Grove & Nemeton of the Cervidae will gather at the Labyrinth of the Ways to call Her awake and prepare Her for the year ahead. After the calling we will do some small maintenance and tending to Her ways. We got blessed with a decent budget and also blessed with some generous donations, so we have some ideas we need to figure out the logistics of & talk with the Wisterians about how & where we are gonna get 4 tons of stone dropped off.
Our plan is to finish the mound of Queer Spirit Shrine and reinforce some of the lower walls where most of the runoff drains. Due to the grade of the slope where the Labyrinth was built all run off hits one specific area, which is honestly very helpful but it needs some bolstering. We are also planning on laying a fresh coat of mulch all around the ways on the inner and out paths. A few new herbs will make their way into the welcome garden as well, the chocolate mint took really well so exciting to see what ends up in that area this time around. Every year we have been planting flowers and herbs that reflect the Patron Deity of Between the Worlds
The Folk of the Cervidae gathered with the men of Green Faerie Grove at the land of Wisteria
during Ostara weekend to wake up and prepare the Labyrinth of the Ways to ready Her for the work and festival season ahead. Over the coming months, culminating at the Memorial Day Work Weekend, we will work and tend Her ways on a number of beautification & overall improvement projects. As you can see, in the pictures below, we focused a lot energy on the entrance garden, pulling the sod, put in fresh layer of soil and realigned the stones. We will need to add at least 40 sq ft of more soil before we plant some hardy herbs and plants for Labyrinth Walkers to pick and use as offerings. Other projects & plans for the year:
We hope to see you there! |
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